Monday, July 11, 2011

It's a Burl! (Amy, BEWARE!)

En route home from So Cal, we stopped at the highly quirky roadside attraction between Grants Pass and Cave Junction, OR - It's a Burl! Beyond myrtle wood bowls, beyond chainsaw art, beyond even the Treesort, "It's a Burl!" offers a wood working extravaganza - a Disneyland of burls in a cornucopia of sizes, shapes, functions and levels of handiwork. Take a gander:
This is one of two treehouses on the premises. Note that the windows are framed by burls taken from branch scars.
This is the front of the show and sales room and much more! If you have the ability to click on the photo and see things more clearly, check out the carved face hanging at the back building's gable peak. Then scan through the porch miscellany.
A chair built from burls. The staff here were involved in many stages of the construction of various items of furniture, all from burls and other rough-hewn tree parts: benches, tables, chairs, love seats, lamps, you name it.

The resident carver seems quite skilled and possessed of a tendency to whimsy.  And far better at rendering than your average Oregon chain saw artist!
This is tree house #2, or maybe #1, considering its size and scope. There's a spiral staircase to get up into it, three floors of progressively grander square footage, and a final impressive view of It's a Burl-ville.

Another great face.
And another, on the post as one enters the show room. Again, check out the porch if you can enlarge the view.
"Burl-esque" is the display area for burls of all forms and origins. Each of the slabs of wood on the pallets is a burl, usually cut to 3 or 4 inch width.
 Finally, for the unenlightened, this link for the Wikipedia "burl" definition. And for the truly brave, "It's a Burl!"


  1. Wow you guys, these pictures are amazing! Amy might be horrified by all the burls, but I think even she would admit, those carvings are pretty very cool.

  2. Ha! Only in Oregon :)
    Pretty great stuff actually, but I hope that Amy doesn't pass out!

  3. Gasp! not...pass out. What can I say, but, GOD help me!

    I will admit that the carving is pretty cool. But those tree houses and the made from the branch scars. WEll, right there you have it; anything that's made out of a "scar"...I mean, REALLY!?

    I need to go have a shower and scrub myself after looking at all that. Bleah!


  4. Amy,
    Does this mean that you don't want the bed-side combination lamp and table that we had specially carved with the face of Sleepy the Dwarf? And here I thought it would be a comfort.

  5. I think I'll pass on that one, Molly. Er...thanks.

