Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This Blog's for you, Bud!

After a several month hiatus, I am resuming this blog. I sent an e-mail to my dad, Bud Hoffer, and tried to attach a photo easily from my computer's library and it simply didn't work. Dad likes to have a printed page to be able to read, and loves seeing the photos we collect. So, here goes, Dad, this one's for you!

 Every summer, we have a project that commandeers Mike's time. Last year, he spent most of the summer preparing for teaching in Italy, especially for the Consumer Behavior course - one that he never teaches at the U of O. But, here and there, he also found time to complete the guest cottage sufficiently for our summer guests.

The outside of the guest house, fairly complete.

An interior shot, showing beams, fancy wood working touches, and salvaged stained glass window.

Mike stands below the site of our next project: the tree house! This lovely oak is behind the main house, and is one of several old giants back there. We intend to build a platform on which the tree house will be constructed this summer. It will connect to another oak via a rope bridge that an engineer (!! someone we know!!) is designing. There is noise about a possible fire pole and a zip-line. If only it stood over the swimming hole.....

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